Two of our campaigns have come to close with the end of the year. We ended our Star Wars: Smuggler’s Run campaign on an epic note, with our player characters saving the Rebel Alliance and getting revenge on the Empire. The campaign started in 2019, making it the longest running campaign we have ever run.
We also tied all all loose ends in our HackMaster: Dragon Heist campaign, finally discovering the titular dragon hoard as our characters live a lavish life of riches and fame. It was our first attempt at using the HackMaster system, which had a rocky start due to the myriad of rule changes, but it ended up being a rewarding experience for all.
Future Campaigns
Starting with the new year are two new campaigns, as mentioned in a previous post. Both are two new TTRPG systems for us, so there has been a lot of book learning in the background for the last few months.
The new wild west-era themed game will be starting this Saturday, as can be seen on the events page. It is Aces & Eights: Shattered Frontier, and it be a cowboy adventure taking place in 1887 in an alternate past where the United States was not quite so united. The exact details are still a mystery, so we’ll have to wait and see.
The other game is Fallout: New California, based upon the popular videogame series. We have people playing vault dwellers, ghouls, members of the Brotherhood Of Steel, and even robots. The campaign takes place in the alternate world timeline in 2240, somewhere in California. Stay tuned for more updates.
Highlights from Star Wars: Smuggler’s Run
While boarding an Imperial Fuel Transport, we have run into a number of unforeseen problems. The most pressing are the remote traps set by the captain of the vessel in a John McClane like situation where the Rebel soldiers are being hunted. Arvor mercy kills an Alliance officer, dead to a claymore mine set by the Die Hard captain. Droids attack as the room starts to superheat, putting the pressure on our player characters to solve the crisis while avoiding claymore landmines.Talon (far left) recklessly charges through claymore mine after claymore mine in his attempt to kill the Imperial captain. A choice that will eventually lead to his undoing a minute or two later. Arvor takes on the Imperial droids as the rest of the group charges ahead to kill the Imperial captain.Based upon intel gathered by our Bothan spies, we board the ISD Excalibur in a (failed) attempt to steal the plans for the new Death Star.We couldn’t find the laser pointer so we started using the sword.In our second attempt to secure the Death Star plans, we are ambushed in an Imperial trap at the Undercity of Coruscant.We are surrounded by Storm Troopers, AT-STs, and even the Emperor’s Hand (Mara Jade).We enjoy the new fog machine. Thanks again, Jack!It might look like she is twerking, but in fact Mara Jade is in a deadly lightsaber duel with brother Ezra.Arvor downs an AT-ST.The lasers flash as we finish off the Stormtroopers.In an attempt to free General Han Solo from carbonite, we were supposed to meet up with a wookie named Chewbacca at a nearby cantina on planet Tattoine. Chewbacca never showed.…unfortunately, Jabba the Hutt’s men did.Arvor wades into the bar fight.Later, Arvor leads a team of elite troopers to the moon of Endor to shut down the new Death Star’s shields. They are met with heavy resistance.The damn doors to the shield won’t open!Damion and Grant doing combat math.Just we we are surrounded by Stormtroopers, Chewbacca shows up with an AT-ST.Secretly following Luke to the Death Star, Ezra eventually loses track of Luke but ends up having a duel with another Jedi turned darkside. It’s the damn jewel thief from our diamond heist! Justice is served.
Highlights from HackMaster: Dragon Heist
We fight in the sewers of Waterdeep, hunting down the necromancer that has stolen the Stone of Dalore.The sewer fight continues.The sewers have an odd shape in certain areas. We track down the Keys to the Dragon Hoard to an old tower in the Dock Ward. We meet heavy resistance from the Xanathars as we breach the tower.Our cleric goes down in one unlucky hit as our thief drags him to the safety of the light. You can see Andy’s middle finger in the background. He was not pleased.
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Grant shows us the way of the sword.Taking a break, mid-session.Andrew enjoying the fireplace.
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